popcorn post @ upsi


can be defined as a pleasant or curative stress. Eustress is the amount of positive energy that motivates, excites and moves you to achieve something. It's the opposite of distress.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Confused  or  Creative?

Where work is fun... (Let us choose to ignore the ‘C for Confused’ look of the doggy in the picture.)  Dogs or cats, if they are in Google or any Google-like work place... they have to have some fun. That is the rule. Period.
The Corporate is on a talent-harnessing spree…rather on a mad-rush to retain potential.  Colorful cubicles, state-of-the art technology, salons, pools, games, all kinds of food and beverages...What not is offered?  Well! So much for that Mr. Right!  After all that, the Corporate commands, ‘Let there be happiness.’  Hey presto! There is happiness. Really!  They have the big ‘J’...‘J for Joy’ at the wave of a wand.
So what makes you happy? Is it any different from having a pool or your poodle at the work place? How would you like your work place to be?
Do post your dreams..


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Welcome aboard our new work shop dear friends...

    This is where we get to care and share, and enjoy and learn from the thoughts and knowledge from everyone else...

    Hope to hear from you all soon an have a nice time out here...

    Happy Blogging!

  3. Work and Fun = More productivity

    Thats makes a search engine ... The Brand Google

  4. As budding professionals we always dream to join the best of the companies having the best of the workplaces with the latest facilities .Even I am not an exception. I have always thought to be a part of the organization who has got really good workplace comprising of gym, cafeteria,pool parlor etc.
    But after going through the internship my perception towards the so called 'workplace' has changed a little bit.
    I did my project in Bell Ceramics Ltd. Kolkata. They are one of the India's largest ceramic tile manufacturer. I did my project in marketing and thereby got very less time to enjoy the 'facilities' of the office.The sales depot of Kolkata was basically a 4 roomed office with 8 employees headed by an Area Sales Manager.
    Very small isn't it???
    But if we look into the statistics and figure of Bell Ceramics Ltd....this sales depot contributes almost Rs. 1 Cr to the total monthly earnings of 10 Cr from its 29 sales depot spread across the country.Along with that it also holds the record of having the best employees for 3 consecutive years.
    Therefore on the basis of this small example of a relatively small company as compared to Google and Pixar , I think that it is not the ambiance at the workplace but the interest and professionalism of the employees which makes an organization great.


  5. WOW... DJ... Working there would have been a hell of an experience!

    It's true... Before looking into what the organization can offer us, we must be sure of what we can offer our organizations...

    DJ had just 3 months with him, and he had to get his project done an fulfill his responsibilities at that time, but what if we had more time...?

    We have to get accustomed to our work and start delivering... but after we settle down, we can take time to spend with our colleagues and enjoy the facilities our employer has to offer...

    But those facilities need not be 5* as those offered by Google or any IT firms... It could be anything as simple as a coffee shop or cafeteria, which would refresh us, keep us connected with our new friends and above all happy and satisfied that we are in the right place...

    So, it's up to us, what we do and how we look at things that's going to determine our professional satisfaction at work...

    All the best dear friends, and just hoping each of us end up at the right place, just apt for us...



  6. Jose, i just completely agree with you.

    It is our performance and org support to perform which matter first other than what world class facility we are getting in org or not.

    In context to this i want to share a small experience of mine....

    During my internship in Pepsico i did a employee satisfaction survey as my boss asked me to do.The results of survey was clearly pointing out that employees are suffering from high stress. So i suggested them some measures like giving gym membership, yoga sessions as well as i told them to place one or two massage chair in canteen so employees can relax for sometime in a day.

    And just guess what reply i got from my boss?

    He told me, if we place two massage chair in the office nobody will be sitting at their cubicles they all will be relaxing at the massage chair at the time of work. This is not google, it is India.

    Where at the US, Pepsico offices provide all these facilities for employees.

    Is it the problem of Indian employees????

    Why employers thinks that if they give all these Google kind of facility to employees they will not perform as much as they are performing now????
    isn't the time to change the old thinkings???

  7. I think it is more of the nature of work or profession you are into. If you are working for a an organization wherein you have to meet your customers regularly, I think having a formal approach is beneficial whereas if you are working in an Ad or Media firm ,having an informal attire or attitude will hardly make any difference.
    Talkiing about the facilities at workplace , a person working with a manufacturing or service industry will rarely get time to relax on the cosy bean bags reading novels of Chetan Bhagat or Agatha Christie in between his or her busy schedule. But it is not a big deal in any Ad firm.
    The main reason behind such an approach by Ad and Media firms as well as Google and Pixar is that they have pool of creative people working for them and mind it, creativity does not emerge out of a person with preloaded workpressure.
    Talking of Indian context, many of the Ad firms like O and M , Lowe Lintas etc have adopted such strategies and are highly successful.

    What you guys feel about it? Please share.

    Keep Blogging.


  8. I agree that today apart from the technical knowledge and your educational qualifications, employers are also looking for a dash of creativity. There are organizations where toys, puzzles and games that stimulate better thinking are being used before and after the meetings to propel employees to come up with new solutions. A happy and go lucky work place is a dream come true for any employee. Creative ambiences will not only be a stress buster but will also help the employees to throw up some novel ideas. But my question here is can this concept of fun at work and creativity in workplaces be replicated in companies which is not typically synonymous with fun?? Say in institutions like banks or financial service institutions??

  9. Hii friends....
    It's really nice to see all of you sharing your experiences and learning about other through this common platform. I really appreciate your opinion and expectations from the work place you want to be in...
    Talking about my internship experience.....
    I did my summer project from The Himalaya Drug Company (HDC), B'lore. Being into the company for three months was a great learning experience. After initial three days of induction and briefing, i was subjected to the tough field work which continued for 35 long days.....an unforgettable experience...the task was to schedule 200 doctors spread over the various areas in B'lore in order to find out their prescription preference. Though it's been painful, the outcome was cheerful.
    In HDC, they follow a traditional cultural approach.....getting up early in the morning at 6:00 am to bored company bus...reaching the company by 8:15 in the morning, having breakfast and then routine working hours till 5 pm.......They don’t have music , or so called fun club.....neither they have gym or any recreation centre.....but still life at HDC is simply adorable.......wanna know how???
    HDC encourages a uniform work life for all its employees...whether it’s a worker at its manufacturing unit or be it the CEO itself......the facilities provided being the same.....people are being acknowledged for their efforts and commitment towards work and not by the post...
    CEO, Business head and the product managers sharing the same table at food court might be a feel good factor....but a trainee being called to accompany them quite a number of times is something which rarely happens ........people are fascinated by the culture , values and beliefs followed by the company.....the people have a sense of security and pride being a loyal employee to HDC.......
    Thus it’s not only fun that makes life easy.......but sometime serious business with everything at right track makes life fun filled.....
    I would really cherish my days at HDC ever....
