popcorn post @ upsi


can be defined as a pleasant or curative stress. Eustress is the amount of positive energy that motivates, excites and moves you to achieve something. It's the opposite of distress.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


A challenge that organisations face in present scenario is the retention of women employees at mid and senior levels, when they are faced with domestic responsibilities.
Latest Industry trend shows that head-hunters have specifically been directed to look for women candidates for senior positions. A lot of MNC’s want to infuse gender diversity into the Indian workforce, especially at the upper echelons. As a result, women at the senior levels are being offered a premium consulting fee of 25 to 30 % of the annual salary for hiring women against the generally given 15 to 20 %. The story does not end here. In order to retain female talent, organisations have taken many extra measures, such as adoption leave (which enables employees to avail of three month’s paid leave when they adopt a child). They are also increasing offering to the employees the opportunity to work part-time or from home, under special circumstances. Other options include telecommuting (where in the employees can work for one or two days from home), special relaxation room, lactation room, and car parking for moms-to-be.
TCS is clear that it will not break the service record of women who discontinue work due to family commitments, allowing them to return at later stage. The company also allows flexibility of roles through job rotation across businesses, practice and functions. It has launched DAWN (Diversity And Women’s Network) which offers a framework for the professional growth of women associates. Cisco has WAN (Women’s Action Network) a volunteer network of women who have similar interest and concerns. PepsiCo has set up Talent council to help women come together and share experiences.
Harrisons Malayalam Ltd., an integrated agriculture operation giant, is India's largest producer of rubber, South India's largest cultivator of Tea and perhaps the largest farmer of Pineapple in the region even have more than 50% Women as their employees in the workforce. This enlightens their initiative in maintaining workforce diversity.
As gender mainstreaming is gradually taking place within all organisations, it is important that individual staff members take responsibility to contribute to this effort in any way they can. It can be even through a small gesture of providing opinion about the same.


  1. Even such an intiative is also been taken by Indian SOftware giant Infosys, wherein they have started IWIN( Infosys Women Inclusitivity Network), which is basically concerned about increasing the due share of women in their workforce.
    Even I also agree that more women should be included in the workforce. According to few researches it has been found that women have better managing and decision making capabilities as compared to their counterparts.
    But the problems lies w.r.t the nature of work.If we look into the statistics BPO as a sector has an attrition rate of nearly 35 percent( 26 percent women ) , which is a real concern for any industry. There are many sectors like Defence,Core Manufacturing etc. where the participation rate of women is less and lesser chances of improvement are there.

    Although when we look for women empowerment in India, few names like Indra Nooyi, Vinita Bali, Chanda Kochar, Shikha Sharma etc. revolves around. But if we look into it more deeply they are the only names being spoken about and related to( hope I am not sounding like a male chauvinistic pig!!!!!!).
    Its high time that such initiatives to be geared up and sustained , so that more of such names can be uttered in future.

    Keep Blogging!!


  2. Thanx DJ for ur opinior....

    It's true there r only few feminine names wen its comes to a count in the business....but at the same time its proven fact...those names have created wonders...

    As we were talking about the high turnover rate in various industry...mainly BPO...its reality that its easy to manage with the female employees at place.....might be for the reason they have relatively less grasshopper characterstic...

    In a industry like tea estates....take Harrisons Malayalam as an example....where the attrition rate is as high as 15% .....the management encourages high ratio of female workforce....nearly 80% in the workfield....the simple reason is efficacy and reliability...

    So its worthwhile on the part of the corporate to take initiatives to upbring the unfolded talent of the women in business and help country to grow and sustain....

