popcorn post @ upsi


can be defined as a pleasant or curative stress. Eustress is the amount of positive energy that motivates, excites and moves you to achieve something. It's the opposite of distress.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Picketing is the activity that is carried by the employees during strike,it is signified by employees carrying signs announcing their concern near the employer’s place of business. Its purpose is to inform the public about the existence of the labor dispute and often to encourage others to refrain from doing business with the struck employer.
In such cases employer make different kinds of responses when they become the object of a strike. One is to shut down the affected area and halt operations until the strike is over, A second is to contract out work in order to blunt the effects of the strike. A third response is to continue operations, perhaps using supervisors and other non-striking workers to fill in for the striking workers. A fourth alternative is hiring replacements for the strikers.
For HR managers the importance of picketing lies in the capability of sorting out the problem and avoiding the consequences of picketing on the daily business activities. he experts views to solve such issues are-
1. Paying the strikers the amount that company owes to them on the very first day of the strike.
2. Negotiating with the striker keeping in mind the benefits and wellbeing of both the parties.
3. Keeping a ready pool of substitute workers to take the job in absence of striker in order to avoid effect on job and productivity.
4. Keeping the legal issues in mind and taking actions accordingly.

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