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can be defined as a pleasant or curative stress. Eustress is the amount of positive energy that motivates, excites and moves you to achieve something. It's the opposite of distress.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pre Employment Screening

In an attempt to grow and expand, Large as well as Small Medium enterprises (SME) in India and abroad, are continuously looking to add more manpower to their organization.

The onus of selecting the right candidate lies primarily on the HR Executive who uses his experience and expertise to evaluate the candidate. A direct interaction with the candidate speaks volumes of his personality. However, a more in depth evaluation of the prospective employee is a must.

What is Pre Employment Screening?
As the name suggests, it is the process of screening / verifying a person's background information prior to employing him in your organisation. It has become imperative to confirm and re confirm a persons’ background, his character and his proposed experience. Pre Employment Screening (verification) aids in eliminating such risks as work place violence, internal thefts etc. Hiring an undeserving candidate can unnecessarily increase your training and recruitment costs, harm your organizations’ harmony and put confidential information into jeopardy.

Failure to conduct a background check has multiple negative repercussions which can well be avoided through a well balanced pre employment screening program.

Organizations in India as well as those abroad can benefit tremendously from an employee screening program. Decreased turnover, reduced expenses and elimination of risks of theft and fraud are just some of the advantages. Being an employer, it is up to you to provide your employees a safe and secure working environment. Hence, it is your job to reject those people who might have a violent or criminal record.

Make use of pre employment screening policies and show that you have exercised due diligence in the hiring process.


Many organisations outsource the entire screening procedures to an agency that specializes in doing so. This helps them to –
• Save time, energy and resources in learning the screening process and instead concentrate on running their own business, something that they do best.
• Absorb the new candidate and grow with him. Since the specialists have already completed a thorough background check, there is nothing left to worry about.
• Help the HR department to concentrate on their core competencies.
• Furnish the reports put together by the screening team as a legal document at a later stage.

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