popcorn post @ upsi


can be defined as a pleasant or curative stress. Eustress is the amount of positive energy that motivates, excites and moves you to achieve something. It's the opposite of distress.

Friday, November 5, 2010

LIFE can be FUN...

It's OK to want to have fun in everything that we do in our life... It's not selfish, insensitive or self-centered rather it's natural, normal and healthy... Every aspect of life goes better with fun... It can lubricate even the most tedious chore and can infuse even the most serious of situations with the lightness of love...

Here are a few actions which I think would help to keep our day light...

1. Practicing random acts of connection: Reach out to others... When we give, we feel more connected to people around. And if you don't feel motivated for this, think 'selfishly'... Buy someone a cup of coffee or let another driver past in front of you... You are in the fast track to feeling good!

2. Make at least one 'just-for-fun' phone call a day: Call a good friend who is consistently fun to talk to... Not for business or to have any of your needs met, but just to say a hello without any expectations.

3. Invite surprises into life: Our life has been secretly structured by our soul to bring to us the best experiences... The whole of creation is conspiring to bring us goodness... And unpleasant situations are placed in our path in life to help us grow big enough to embrace even them.

4. Seek wonder: Don't dwell on the old... But move towards fun, joy and ease... Don't try to run away from boredom, loneliness, fear and struggles but whatever may happen focus on the destination.

5. Rejoice every step in the way: Break down larger goals into smaller manageable steps and take up at least one task a day no matter how minor it may be... Focus on the advancement you have made just as the distance you would like to cover.

6. Give up on perfectionism: Perfectionism leads to fear of success or failure... And by being perfect, we'll never be satisfied with who we are. See the good in our lives rather than the faults and focus on what is working rather than what is not... See the positives in life.

7. Take a daily mini vacation: Take out half an hour everyday to do... Nothing. Relax... Do not race against the clock or do anything productive... Slow down... Our spirit becomes free and more creative.

8. Learn to say 'No': Saying 'No' to things that are not intuitively right for us, we are actually saying 'Yes' to ourself and to the people and values that mean the most to us... We are no longer tied up with disharmonious and non-aligned situations and are more free to share our joy and happiness with the people and the world around us.

9. Create more room in your life: Rearrange the elements in your life to create more space to nurture the fun, freedom, opportunities and effectiveness you desire... Clearing out the old and dead elements creates a vacuum for new and fresh ideas and energy.

10. Share your experiences: Personal experiences can be valued by others... We thrive to feel that we are valued and have left the world a better place at the end of each day... And remember, happiness comes from sharing our happiness...

Joy defies the laws of economics... It's not something that we have less of when we give it away... It grows greater in the giver, the more he gives it out...

The more you give, the more you have!

1 comment:

  1. hey hii frndzzz......
    josie nice piece of advice...
    we really need to realise life is fun....depends on the way we look at it.... :)
